Dr. André Görner regularly gives lectures and publishes on corporate and M & A topics.
Date and place of birth
1975 in Darmstadt/Hesse
one son and one daughter
Foreign languages
English and French
Professional career
2006 - 2007
Attorney at Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer in Frankfurt am Main
2007 - 2010
Notary candidate in Hamburg
seit 2010
Civil law notary in Hamburg,
Custodian of the records of the retired notary Dr. Ascan Pinckernelle
Custodian of the records of the retired notary Dr. Ascan Pinckernelle
1995 – 1996
Business administration studies at University of Hagen
1996 - 2001
Law studies at Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz
Scholar of the German National Academic Foundation
Scholar of the German National Academic Foundation
2001 - 2003
Legal traineeship in Hesse
2002 - 2006
Academic assistant to Prof. Dr. Meinrad Dreher, LL.M., Mainz
Ph.D. (Dr. iur.)
Ph.D. thesis awarded the Dr. Feldbausch Foundation academic prize for 2007
Ph.D. thesis awarded the Dr. Feldbausch Foundation academic prize for 2007
- "Market definition under insurance competition law using the example of professional indemnity insurance" at the Academic Development Forum at the International Meeting of the German Insurance Studies Association, Berlin, 25 May 2005
- "New private company law in notarial practice", Hamburg Chamber of Notaries' CPD event for practice staff, Hamburg, 23 April 2009
- "To sell an enterprise - to acquire an enterprise", lectures in seminars of the Hamburg Chamber of Crafts
- Several lectures at internal events on corporate law topics, such as the requirements of notarizations, stock corporation law and the register of ecenomic beneficiaries
- Sale of Shares: Warranties and Frustration of Contract (Annotation on BGH VIII ZR 187/17), Der Betrieb 2019, S. 53
- Author of the Article on „Disposal of Shares“ in Herrler (Hrsg.): Gesellschaftsrecht in der Notar- und Gestaltungspraxis, 2017
- Commentaries on Sec. 15, 34, 39, 40 GmbHG and Shareholder Loans in Rowedder/Schmidt-Leithoff, GmbHG, 6. Auflage, 2017
- Redemption of a Share in a GmbH: Personal Liability of the remaining shareholders only by disloyal continuation of the company (Annotation on BGH II ZR 342/14), Der Betrieb 2016, S. 1626-1627
- The legal succession in procedures for the imposition of fines for breaches of competition law pursuant to Sec. 30 para 2a of the German Act on administrative Offenses, ZWeR 2014, pp. 102-116
- Das Behindertentestament und § 138 BGB, NJW 2011, pp. 1761 - 1766 (co-author: Meinrad Dreher)
- Die Anspruchsberechtigung der Marktbeteiligten nach § 33 GWB, Schriftenreihe des Forschungsinstituts für Wirtschaftsverfassung und Wettbewerb e.V. (pub.), Ph.D. awarded the Dr. Feldbausch Foundation academic prize for 2007
- Kurzkommentar zum Urteil des EuGH vom 03.10.2006 – Rs. C-452/04, EWiR 2007, pp. 43 - 44 (co-author: Meinrad Dreher)
- Kurzkommentar zum Urteil des VG Frankfurt am Main vom 27.10.2005 – 1 E 1159/05, EWiR 2006, pp. 89-90 (co-author: Meinrad Dreher)
- Die Marktabgrenzung im Versicherungskartellrecht am Beispiel der Berufshaftpflichtversicherungen ZVersWiss 94 (2005), pp. 739 - 766
- Die Kapitalanlage in Finanzinstrumente durch Kommanditgesellschaften ZIP 2005, pp. 2139-2144 (co-author: Meinrad Dreher)
- Die Entscheidung des Bundesgerichtshofs zum Zusammenschlussvorhaben „Deutsche Post AG/trans-o-flex“ ZWeR 2005, pp. 293-306
- Die Ausfallhaftung des GmbH-Gesellschafters Part 1: GmbHR 2004, pp. 714-723 (co-author: Michael Kling) Part 2 GmbHR 2004, pp. 778-785 (co-author: Michael Kling)
- Kurzkommentar zu den Schlussanträgen von Generalanwältin beim EuGH Stix-Hackl vom 25.11.2003 – Rs. C-222/02, EWiR 2004, pp. 63-64 (co-author: Meinrad Dreher)
- Der angemessene Selbstbehalt in der D&O-Versicherung, ZIP 2003, pp. 2321-2329 (co-author: Meinrad Dreher)