Dr. Ingrid Naumann
LL.M. (Harvard), Civil Law Notary
P +49 (0)40 - 36 11 18 41
F +49 (0)40 - 36 11 18 4 22
Dr. Ingrid Naumann regularly gives lectures and publishes on real estate law topics.
married, three children
Foreign languages
English and French (notarizations and certifications); Spanish and Dutch (certifications)
Professional career
2006 - 2011
Attorney at international law firm Gleiss Lutz, Berlin, since 2010 as associated partner
2007 - 2008
Seconded to US-American law firm Hughes, Hubbard & Reed, New York City, USA
Candidate notary in Hamburg
Civil law notary administrator in Hamburg for the retired notary Dr. Gerhard Clausen
Seit 2015
Civil law notary in Hamburg
Custodian of the records of the retired notary Dr. Gerhard Clausen
Custodian of the records of the retired notary Dr. Gerhard Clausen
1996 – 2001
Law studies at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
Scholar of the German National Academic Foundation,
Hengeler Mueller Award / Alumni Mainz e.V. Award for the performance in the first state examination
Scholar of the German National Academic Foundation,
Hengeler Mueller Award / Alumni Mainz e.V. Award for the performance in the first state examination
Second state examination in law
2002, 2004
Academic assistant at the University of Mainz (Chair of Prof. Dr. Peter Huber)
Mediation Program, University of Hagen
2004 - 2005
Master of Laws (LL.M.), Harvard Law School, USA
Alfred Gleiss scholarship, German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) scholarship
Alfred Gleiss scholarship, German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) scholarship
Ph.D. (Dr. iur)
Ph.D. scholarship from the German National Academic Foundation
German Institution of Arbitration Award for Ph.D. thesis
Ph.D. scholarship from the German National Academic Foundation
German Institution of Arbitration Award for Ph.D. thesis
- Lecturer at German Lawyers` Institute (DAI - Fachinstitut für Notare) regarding residential property law (Wohnungseigentumsrecht)
- Lectures on contract drafting for legal trainees in Hamburg
- Langhein/Naumann, NotarFormulare Wohnungseigentumsrecht, 2nd ed. (2018)
- Yearly review: Die Entwicklung des Wohnungseigentumsrechts, periodical „notar“
- Mediation in Pending Civil Proceedings in Germany: No Automatic Suspension of the Time Limit for Filing a Notice of Appeal, IBA Mediation Committtee Newsletter, Vol. V No. 2 2009, pp. 16 (together with Gerhard Wegen)
- Gladiators in a Global Arena? – Der internationale Wettbewerb der Schiedsorte, DAJV Newsletter 2009, pp. 55 (co-author)
- US Job Application Guide for Lawyers (co-author), 3rd ed. 2009
- Gerichtsstandsvereinbarungen in AGB im transatlantischen Rechtsverkehr zwischen EuGVO, US state and federal laws und dem Haager Übereinkommen, DAJV Newsletter 2008, pp. 189 (together with Martin Illmer)
- Anti-suit Injunctions in Support of Arbitration Agreements under the Brussels Regulation. A Comment on the Advocate General’s Opinion in the West Tankers Reference by the House of Lords (Case C-185/07), ASA Bulletin 2008, pp. 829 (together with Martin Illmer)
- Confidentiality under the EU Mediation Directive compared to the US Uniform Mediation Act and US State laws – a critical assessment, IBA Mediation Committee Newsletter 2008, pp. 22 (together with Gerhard Wegen and James Boykin)
- Englische anti-suit injunctions zur Durchsetzung von Schiedsvereinbarungen, Mohr Siebeck 2008
- Expert Determination (Chapter on „Germany“) (co-author), 4th ed. 2008
- Stoneridge und die Zukunft von Wertpapiersammelklagen (nicht nur) in den USA – Die Entscheidung des U.S. Supreme Court in Stoneridge Investment Partners v. Scientific-Atlanta, Inc., RIW 2008, pp. 97 (together with Derek Adler)
- Mediation in employment and labour law in Germany – emerging opportunities?, IBA Mediation Committee Newsletter 2007, pp. 24 (together with Gerhard Wegen and Meike Gotham)
- Yet Another Blow – Anti-Suit Injunctions in Support of Arbitration Agreements Within the European Union, Int. A.L.R. 2007, pp. 147 (together with Martin Illmer)
- Final curtain for anti-suit injunctions, IHR 2007, pp. 64 (together with Martin Illmer)
- Von Napster zu Grokster: Urheberrechtliche Haftung der Anbieter von Peer-to-Peer Software, Kommunikation & Recht 2005, pp. 550 (together with Martin Illmer)